Sunday, February 27, 2011


I was just thinking about something that has been on my mind all weekend, and thought i should let my thoughts out. Thankfully, you're reading them.

So I am taking this Communications class this semester called Communication Process. We learn and discuss various communication theories. We read the theory for Monday, watch a movie that corresponds with it on Wednesday, and then discuss the theory and movie on Friday.
   Last week was an interesting one. On Wednesday as usual, we watched a movie. However, this movie had A LOT of swearing. When I say swearing, I don't mean words like: shit, damn, hell, ass etc. In a lot of places like where I come from, those are not swear words. I mean words like the f bomb, and all other words that come from that one like anyone reading this should know. My schools is a Christian school, and my professor a very good Christian. Therefore, he was very bothered by the language in the movie, and was concerned that he was exposing us to negative stuff like that. After we watched the movie, he apologised to the class for all the swearing that was in it. OBV, it was not his fault. He felt so disturbed by this, and even later sent us an apology email. He did well, and i commend him for that.
    On Friday, we got to class, and discussed the movie and the theory, but only for a few minutes. He broke us up into groups and said in light of the kind of movie we watched the previous class, we should discuss whether Christians ought to watch movies with explicit sexual scenes and strong language. It was very interesting that he wanted to know what we as students thought about it. However, he wanted a yes or no answer. And i am telling you, i began to think right from then, impossible.
    We discussed in our groups, and when we were done, we began to discuss as a class. These were some of the things that people said:

1. If I can watch it with person A, but I cannot watch it with person B, should I be watching it at all?

2. If you are not convicted by it, then it is okay, but if you are convicted by it, then avoid it by all means.

3. If you are not convicted by it, but someone with you is convicted by it, then do not watch it.

4. If you cannot watch it if mom, dad, or Jesus was there, you should not be watching it.

5. It goes pretty much for anything including drugs, alchohol, etc If it affects you watching other people do it, avoid situations where you will have to be stuck watching other people do it.

6. With respect to swearing - The only thing that the bible has asked us not to say is the name of the Lord in vain. They are just words that the society attaches meaning to. Plus, it is a cultural thing.

7. When people swear, at least they are talking, so you can take the good out of what they are saying, and leave the swearing out of it. However, there is no good you can take out of sexual scenes. There is no reason for them in movies.

8. Those stuff affect you whether you know it or not. If you constantly expose yourself to negative stuff, it will bring you down.

So, I think that is all i remember people saying because a lot of the groups came to the consensus that it is a personal thing. You know what affects you and you know what you can expose yourself to. I agreed with some of the stuff, but I was indifferent about some others. Here's my opinion.
    I want to start with the question about who defines sexual scenes and explicit language as wrong or right. Yes we are christians, so is it our religion? the society? or even our personal values? or maybe all of these in context? Here is what I am saying. If I am watching a movie with sexually explicit scenes, and I am married with a husband, is it wrong? Be careful before you answer, cause in this same situation, I am a Christian.
Things tend to get pretty complicated sometimes. that's just my point. I am not answering the question, but it's just food for thought. YOU take time to think about it.
       We are all at different stages in our lives as christians. Some of us are just beginning, some of us are well into our walk with God, and for some of us, we are soooooo far into it a knife on our throats will not bring take us away from it. I do not think that as a beginner in the christian walk or journey you should be exposed to stuff like this. It can affect your walk with God and take you right back to square one. As someone who is well into your christian journey, I believe that you should have the discretion to know what you should watch, and what you should not watch. Whenever we said this in class, our professor called us out and said that in this present day, we like to make our lives a personal thing thinking that WE have control of things in our lives. I am not saying that we do have control over things in our lives, but do we not make choices? God gives us the opportunity to make choices for ourselves, so what I am saying is, make the right one. You know what will affect you. If you know you are easily led to sin by watching sexually explicit stuff, don't watch it. YOU have to make the choice. Also remember though, that the bible has said that if your right arm causes you to sin, then cut it off and throw it away. If you make the choice not to watch stuff like that, but your friends have made the choice to watch them, then do not be around them when they are watching stuff. YOU make the choices, God guards you.
     I also agree with the fact that for swearing, the society has just attached meanings to words, and it is a cultural thing. Why aren't shit, damn, hell, ass , etc swear words where I come from? Isn't that society? Isn't that culture? So I go home and I am a saint because i do not say the f word. I come to America and I am a devil because i say shit or damn? What meanings have Americans attached to those words that make them vulgar? Why arent those same meanings attached to the words in other places?
Excuse my language, but f**k, f****d, etc, are english words. Listen to what the dictionary says.

F**k: To have sexual intercourse with. To treat unfairly or harshly. An english word that is GENERALLY considered profane.

F**king: An intensifier. e.g. what took you so f**king long?

F***ed: Broken. In trouble, very drunk, annoying or mean.

This word has meanings in the dictionary that make sense to be used just like any other word. WHY  is it considered profane? My point here is that even more than just words and sexual scenes, the society twists a lot of things around.

   Another thing that came to my mind when we discussed this was that if something is being depicted as wrong, it shouldn't be shielded. If you are showing a movie with a prostitute for example, and you show her kissing people ONLY, and you say she is a prostitute, is that an accurate depiction? If you are going to show a movie about a young man or woman that changed for the better in all aspects, and maybe became a christian or something, and changed the way he used to talk and stuff like that, would it be an accurate depiction to not have him use "swear words" before he became a better person? Many people might disagree with this, but I totally feel like if you are going to depict a wrong behaviour, do not do it halfway. do it in full. that is the reason why i do not agree with saying that sexual scenes are NEVER  a necessity in movies. People need to know what is wrong or right. However, if sexual scenes or vulgar language are just used for the fun of it, then there is a problem.
    Think about the fact that we are also exposed to these things in many other ways than just movies, whether we like it or not. Its just the world we live in. Look at perfume commercials. Why are they so sexual? Go to walmart to pick up a magazine. The front page is probably going to be of a girl not dressed appropriately. Go to a CD or DVD store. they are probably going to be playing music in which every other line is a swear word.  How are you going to prevent these things that you have no control over? You NEED to be able to discern between what is right and wrong based on your values, beliefs, and religion etc. The same way you will not take in these things from public areas, is the same way you should not take them in in private. I know it is easier said than done, but in between that, there is trying. In the same way, apart from ratings, you do not have ANY idea what is going to be in a movie before you watch it, so you need to be able to take in the good stuff and let go of the bad. No matter how much you try to avoid it, bad stuff will follow you around anywhere you go. You have a choice to take it or leave it. God is always a source of help to  make the right decisions.

   So, its just some food for thought. I don't know what you think, but I guess that it what I've been thinking.
It's time to watch the Oscars now, and do my homework in between during commercials. :-]

That's all about my opinion on Christians, swear words and sexual scenes. .. as I do it.


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