Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gautam Buddha Quotes

  • The ignorant man is an ox.
    He grows in size, not in wisdom.

  • For in craving pleasure or in nursing pain
    There is only sorrow.

  • All that we are arises with our thoughts.
    With our thoughts we make the world.
    Speak or act with a pure mind
    And happiness will follow you
    As your shadow, unshakable.

  • Free yourself from attachment.

  • Fresh milk takes time to sour.
    So a fool's mischief
    Takes time to catch up with him.
    Like the embers of a fire
    It smoulders within him.

  • The wise man tells you
    Where you have fallen
    And where you yet may fall - Invaluable secrets!
    Follow him, follow the way.

  • By your own folly
    You will be brought as low
    As you worst enemy wishes.

  • Health, contentment and trust
    Are your greatest possessions,
    And freedom your greatest joy.
    Look within.
    Be still.

  • By your own efforts
    Waken yourself, watch yourself.
    And live joyfully.
    You are the master.

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