Monday, February 28, 2011

Your Quote Of the Day

Joke of The Day
Pappu: Why didn't you marry until now?
Teeloo: I was searching for an ideal match.
Pappu: you still haven't found an ideal girl?
Teeloo: I found one.
Pappu: Then?
Teeloo: She too was searching for an ideal match.

Your Quote Of the Day
A diamond was laying in the street covered with dirt. Many fools passed by. Someone who knew diamonds picked it up.

Gyaan of The Day
Nepal is the only country whose national flag is not rectangular.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Your Quote Of the Day

Joke of the Day
Father to pappu : Why don't you consider every women as your mother?
Pappu : I can,but if i did so, What will people think of you?
Your Quote Of the Day
Bharatanatyam is now world famous with thousands of new votaries. What about Koodiyattam?.....I have done what I can. It has not been easy. One has to sacrifice a lot to learn Koodiyattam. How many persons will be ready for it these days? Will there be an audience capable of imbibing it? Mani Madhava Chakyar, Considered the greatest Chakyar Koothu and Kutiyattam artist and authority of modern times
Gyann of the Day
The highest cricket ground in the world is in the chali,Himachal Pradesh(2444 meters above sea level).


I was just thinking about something that has been on my mind all weekend, and thought i should let my thoughts out. Thankfully, you're reading them.

So I am taking this Communications class this semester called Communication Process. We learn and discuss various communication theories. We read the theory for Monday, watch a movie that corresponds with it on Wednesday, and then discuss the theory and movie on Friday.
   Last week was an interesting one. On Wednesday as usual, we watched a movie. However, this movie had A LOT of swearing. When I say swearing, I don't mean words like: shit, damn, hell, ass etc. In a lot of places like where I come from, those are not swear words. I mean words like the f bomb, and all other words that come from that one like anyone reading this should know. My schools is a Christian school, and my professor a very good Christian. Therefore, he was very bothered by the language in the movie, and was concerned that he was exposing us to negative stuff like that. After we watched the movie, he apologised to the class for all the swearing that was in it. OBV, it was not his fault. He felt so disturbed by this, and even later sent us an apology email. He did well, and i commend him for that.
    On Friday, we got to class, and discussed the movie and the theory, but only for a few minutes. He broke us up into groups and said in light of the kind of movie we watched the previous class, we should discuss whether Christians ought to watch movies with explicit sexual scenes and strong language. It was very interesting that he wanted to know what we as students thought about it. However, he wanted a yes or no answer. And i am telling you, i began to think right from then, impossible.
    We discussed in our groups, and when we were done, we began to discuss as a class. These were some of the things that people said:

1. If I can watch it with person A, but I cannot watch it with person B, should I be watching it at all?

2. If you are not convicted by it, then it is okay, but if you are convicted by it, then avoid it by all means.

3. If you are not convicted by it, but someone with you is convicted by it, then do not watch it.

4. If you cannot watch it if mom, dad, or Jesus was there, you should not be watching it.

5. It goes pretty much for anything including drugs, alchohol, etc If it affects you watching other people do it, avoid situations where you will have to be stuck watching other people do it.

6. With respect to swearing - The only thing that the bible has asked us not to say is the name of the Lord in vain. They are just words that the society attaches meaning to. Plus, it is a cultural thing.

7. When people swear, at least they are talking, so you can take the good out of what they are saying, and leave the swearing out of it. However, there is no good you can take out of sexual scenes. There is no reason for them in movies.

8. Those stuff affect you whether you know it or not. If you constantly expose yourself to negative stuff, it will bring you down.

So, I think that is all i remember people saying because a lot of the groups came to the consensus that it is a personal thing. You know what affects you and you know what you can expose yourself to. I agreed with some of the stuff, but I was indifferent about some others. Here's my opinion.
    I want to start with the question about who defines sexual scenes and explicit language as wrong or right. Yes we are christians, so is it our religion? the society? or even our personal values? or maybe all of these in context? Here is what I am saying. If I am watching a movie with sexually explicit scenes, and I am married with a husband, is it wrong? Be careful before you answer, cause in this same situation, I am a Christian.
Things tend to get pretty complicated sometimes. that's just my point. I am not answering the question, but it's just food for thought. YOU take time to think about it.
       We are all at different stages in our lives as christians. Some of us are just beginning, some of us are well into our walk with God, and for some of us, we are soooooo far into it a knife on our throats will not bring take us away from it. I do not think that as a beginner in the christian walk or journey you should be exposed to stuff like this. It can affect your walk with God and take you right back to square one. As someone who is well into your christian journey, I believe that you should have the discretion to know what you should watch, and what you should not watch. Whenever we said this in class, our professor called us out and said that in this present day, we like to make our lives a personal thing thinking that WE have control of things in our lives. I am not saying that we do have control over things in our lives, but do we not make choices? God gives us the opportunity to make choices for ourselves, so what I am saying is, make the right one. You know what will affect you. If you know you are easily led to sin by watching sexually explicit stuff, don't watch it. YOU have to make the choice. Also remember though, that the bible has said that if your right arm causes you to sin, then cut it off and throw it away. If you make the choice not to watch stuff like that, but your friends have made the choice to watch them, then do not be around them when they are watching stuff. YOU make the choices, God guards you.
     I also agree with the fact that for swearing, the society has just attached meanings to words, and it is a cultural thing. Why aren't shit, damn, hell, ass , etc swear words where I come from? Isn't that society? Isn't that culture? So I go home and I am a saint because i do not say the f word. I come to America and I am a devil because i say shit or damn? What meanings have Americans attached to those words that make them vulgar? Why arent those same meanings attached to the words in other places?
Excuse my language, but f**k, f****d, etc, are english words. Listen to what the dictionary says.

F**k: To have sexual intercourse with. To treat unfairly or harshly. An english word that is GENERALLY considered profane.

F**king: An intensifier. e.g. what took you so f**king long?

F***ed: Broken. In trouble, very drunk, annoying or mean.

This word has meanings in the dictionary that make sense to be used just like any other word. WHY  is it considered profane? My point here is that even more than just words and sexual scenes, the society twists a lot of things around.

   Another thing that came to my mind when we discussed this was that if something is being depicted as wrong, it shouldn't be shielded. If you are showing a movie with a prostitute for example, and you show her kissing people ONLY, and you say she is a prostitute, is that an accurate depiction? If you are going to show a movie about a young man or woman that changed for the better in all aspects, and maybe became a christian or something, and changed the way he used to talk and stuff like that, would it be an accurate depiction to not have him use "swear words" before he became a better person? Many people might disagree with this, but I totally feel like if you are going to depict a wrong behaviour, do not do it halfway. do it in full. that is the reason why i do not agree with saying that sexual scenes are NEVER  a necessity in movies. People need to know what is wrong or right. However, if sexual scenes or vulgar language are just used for the fun of it, then there is a problem.
    Think about the fact that we are also exposed to these things in many other ways than just movies, whether we like it or not. Its just the world we live in. Look at perfume commercials. Why are they so sexual? Go to walmart to pick up a magazine. The front page is probably going to be of a girl not dressed appropriately. Go to a CD or DVD store. they are probably going to be playing music in which every other line is a swear word.  How are you going to prevent these things that you have no control over? You NEED to be able to discern between what is right and wrong based on your values, beliefs, and religion etc. The same way you will not take in these things from public areas, is the same way you should not take them in in private. I know it is easier said than done, but in between that, there is trying. In the same way, apart from ratings, you do not have ANY idea what is going to be in a movie before you watch it, so you need to be able to take in the good stuff and let go of the bad. No matter how much you try to avoid it, bad stuff will follow you around anywhere you go. You have a choice to take it or leave it. God is always a source of help to  make the right decisions.

   So, its just some food for thought. I don't know what you think, but I guess that it what I've been thinking.
It's time to watch the Oscars now, and do my homework in between during commercials. :-]

That's all about my opinion on Christians, swear words and sexual scenes. .. as I do it.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Ble kta syg ssorg...

Ble kte syg ssorg uh....

Kte xnk khilangan dye....

Ble kte syg ssorg uh....

Kte mle riso ble dye xpduli an kte....

Ble kte syg org uh....

Kte jd tkot kalo dye pnting an org len/pompuan len....

Ble kte syg org uh....

Kte tkot dye akn tnggl an kte tuk org len....

Ble kte syg org uh....

Kte jd jelez kalo ad pompuan menggedix ato nk rapat2 ngan dye....

Ble kte syg org uh....

Kte tkot nnti dye jemu ngan kte.....

Ble kte syg org uh....

Kte slalu pk an dye xkre mse....

Ble kte syg org uh.....

Mcm2 pkran ngatif tmbul at kpale kte....

Ni sume tjdi ble kte syg org uh....

Jd nk xnk kte ttap kne cye an org yg kte syg uh...
Blaja tuk pcye....

For-Muhd Akif Farhan

When u find that special someone...

When u find that special someone...
Never let him go from u...
Never let that,not even once...
Trust that special someone...
Love him wif all ur heart coz if u don't do that u will regret...

Hehe-ap la aq mepek ni,jwang krat aq mmng mksudkn ap yg ak tlis..

Increase Self confidence

Inspiratioanl Video to increase SelfConfidence 

Love Inspiration

Really gives the inspiration of love.

Feel the love don't cry just believe in the true love

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Your Quotes of the year

365 Quotes for 365 Days

Leadership Quotes


Lovely Quotes With Images

           The best images chosen by me
                                                -source internet
                                      The awesome 3D animation

Scroll Down to see the depth of image          
Amazing Real Arts made only with plants


Size of the Earth

The Size of the Earth in the universe is shown in the above...

Touch and Inspire

The Ten words to Touch and Inspire

                                         The most selfish one letter word 
                                                              - Avoid it
                             The most satisfying two letter word 
                                                             - use it.
                              The most Poisonious three letter word 
                                                              - Kill it
                              The most used four letter word 
                                                              - Value it
                               The most pleasing five letter word
                                                              - keep it
                                The fastest spreading six letter word
                                                              - ignore it
                                 The hardest working seven letters word
                                                              - Achieve it
                                  The most En-viable eight letter word
                                                              - Distance it
                                  The most powerful nine letter word
                                                                - Acquire it
                                   The most essential ten letter word 
                                                                   - Trust it

My Dream Quotes

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wisdom Quotes

Words of Wisdom
  • "The thoughts we think and words we speak create experience".
  • Our lives are not determined by what happens to us,but by how we react to what happens to us.not by what life brings to us, by the attitude we bring to live.
  • Never look down on any body unless you are helping him up.
  • Victory is gained by resolution and determination.
  • In the end we will remember not the words of enemy but the silence of the friends.
  • Half of the solution of a problem is to put a hand on the problem.
  • Empty cans make the most noise .
  • Dont except anything,in this way you will never disappointed.
  • To change everything first change by yourself.
  • Arguing with a idiot makes you too idiot.

Best Quotes Of Friendship

  1. Friends are of the gods way to take care of us.
  2. Treat your friends as like pictures and place them in the best light.
  3. The roads are never long for friends house.
  4. people will forget what you did, what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
  5. we all take different paths in life but no matter where we go,we take a little of each other where we go.
  6. True friendship is like health and wealth,we will know the value when we are far from it.
  7. A good exercise for heart is to bend and give hand to another one.
  8. The greatest gift is not found anywhere,but in the heart of true friends.
  9. It is easy to be in chains with friends than to be in a garden with friends.
  10. The man can be best described by his friends he choose.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quotes Of Friendship

Quotes Of Friendship
  1. A friend will release u from jail,but a best friend will be with u saying "That was great".
  2. If u were a tear in my eye,i would never cry because i cannot lose a friend like u.
  3. A best friend will spread the secrets but for only right reasons.
  4. A true friend will feel twice the happiness and thrice the sorrow u feel.
  5. Friendship is a candle which lights your heart.
  6. A best friend is the one who shares everything with you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Your Quote Of the Day

Cool Quotes and famous Your Quote Of the Day

  1. Our true character is that person become when no one is watching.
  2. Better to live one day as a lion either to live thousand years as a lamb.
  3. A ship in a harbor is safe but that's not they are built for,either we.
  4. Friends are like a box of chocolates you keep that tastes good throw remaining.
  5. If they choose to judge you,it says more about them then you.
  6. If the movies say that it is easy to find love why cant i find yet?
  7. If you are good at something then you don't do it for free.
  8. Being in love cannot pay your bills, so love your job.
  9. A persons real character is shown at the time of worst situation.
  10. Have nothing nothing can u lose.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

ari ni pnyer cite~~

Ari ni an,kuar mkn dgn chik,alg n mama...Bes sgt!Yg drive kete,of coz la,xlen xbkn alg la a.k.a aien ismail d fb.Plus dye je ad lesen,kalo mama n chik..huh,nk bwk kete pn xreti.Haha,kalo mama n chik yg bwak,msti mngucap pnjang pnyer la...hihi.Td mkn roti telur sekeping n minum milo ais-xley mkn byk2 sbb brat bdan da naik.huhu.kne diet!ni yg mlas ni.Lpas abes mkn,kmi g kedai yg jual bmcm2 jnis ulam.Ma pn mle la perli ak n chik yg xske mkn ulam-Ma ckap kalo xmkn ulam nnti cpat tua tp kmi bdua wat sardin je(pekakkan telinga)hihi...Mcm2 alg n mama bli.Dlm pjlanan blek umah,ma cdg kn at alg-jom g gunung lang..Alg pn bg respon baik n lmpu ijau.Kmi pn pegi la gunung lang tp xde la rmai org waktu 2..Phew,lega xrmai org.hihi.Waktu kat gunung lang,kmi btge snap byk pic!(ma xtmsok dlm pic)
Cian....Td ad pelangi at air trjun gnung nice...Love it...Ktorg blek lpas abes mlawat gunung lang..mmng fun time...
Ni la yg ad pelangi uh,xtaw nmpk ke x dlm pic ni...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Positive affirmation of the day

Positive affirmation of the day: I am flexible and open to looking at my problems from a new perspective. I trust the universe to place an opportunity to grow in each of my challenges.

Your Quote Of the Day

A man walking down the street noticed a small boy trying to reach the doorbell of a house. Even when he jumped up, he couldn't quite reach it.The man decided to help the boy, walked up on to the porch and pushed the doorbell. He looked down at the boy, smiled and asked, "What now?"

The boy answered, "Now we run like crazy!"
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.


What others think of me, is none of my business.
Today's mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground … stick at it.
Time is not money. time wasted is often time well spent. where as money wasted is merely redistributed!
It’s not how you look when your playing the game, its how you play the game when people are watching.Make your training a hell, so the real fight won’t be.
You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you should be friendly.

Gugur Sudah Air Mata...

Air mata tidak terbendung lagi...
Gugurnya dari gigi mata...
Ibarat titisan hujan yang gugur ke atas bumi...
Kesalan pergi tiada kembali
Semuanya sudah terlambat....

Taylor Swift-Breath~~~

I see your face in my mind as I drive away,
Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way.
People are people,
And sometimes we change our minds.
But it's killing me to see you go after all this time.

Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm

Music starts playin' like the end of a sad movie,
It's the kinda ending you don't really wanna see.
Cause it's tragedy and it'll only bring you down,
Now I don't know what to be without you around.

And we know it's never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, noone here to save me.
You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I can't,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt.
Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.
But people are people,
And sometimes it doesn't work out,
Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.

And we know it's never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, no one here to save me.
You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I can't,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

It's two a.m.
Feelin' like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know it's not easy,
Easy for me.
It's two a.m.
Feelin' like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know this ain't easy,
Easy for me.

And we know it's never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, noone here to save me.

I can't,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

Sorry (oh) Sorry (mmm)
Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)
Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Get Inspired

Positive affirmation for the day: Today I know that I am not alone. Today I know that I am connected to something so much bigger than me, guiding me in all situations. All I have to do to get help is ask for it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Get Inspired

Positive affirmation for the day: I know that I cannot be hurt by anyone if I consistently look for their best. Today I continue to search out the best in all my relationships, looking for something I can love in everyone.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011



So yesterday was February 14th. Apart from the fact that it was my very good friends birthday - Happy Birthday Gallo, much love! - it was Valentines day. Usually, i would rather call it love day as opposed to valentines day, but dont even ask me why. I have noooo idea.
  Anyway, it's one of those days that doesnt really mean anythng to a single person. I know and understand that people preach the whole "love people around you, it's valentines day" sermon, and say that valentines day is a lot about loving everyone. you know yeah, i know this is true, but at the same time, i definitely think its all bull. I'm not saying that you shouldnt love everyone around you, or show Gods love. what im saying is this. take a few seconds after you read this post to review your facebook newsfeed or your twitter timeline from yesterday. I'm not going to say everyone, cause that would be a false claim, but ALMOST everyone who had that sermon a thier status was single. I feel like its really just an automatic psychological thing. So, im not saying that valentines day is for intimacy or for couples only, but neither am i saying that it is for loving everyone around you. I'm saying that love day is what you make it, not only based off of your relationship status or situation, but on your mindset.
    Coming off of that thought, i have been single a lot of valentines days in my life. Including yesterday, just incase you were wondering. somehow, i still have a lot of people showing me some loveee (which i appreciate. i mean, who doesnt like to feel loved?) I have been in geneva for only 3 years, and experienced 2 valentines.. Permit me to say that it is an interesting dynamic that takes place when every single person is getting depressed. I mean, valentines day definitely calls single people out. Your mailbox gets a sheet of paper that says Happy Valentines Day, while the girl beside you gets a sheet of paper that says: You have mail too big to fit in your mailbox. Every one is planning dates for the evening, but you're pretty muchh just planning homework. You go on facebook, and your crush has just left a valentines message on another girl or boys wall. I know. The day couldn't get any worse. Or wait. Maybe it could. You waited all day for that text message... the one that never came.
    I'm single, so i understand all these feelings. However, i don't beat myself up because its valentines day and i ain't got a man. Trust me, depression has NEVER been the way to go. There's no denying that it sucks not getting a bouquet of roses, chocolate in red heart shaped boxes, wine in a bottle tied in a bow, or a stuffed teddy holding a heart that says I Love You.  As a matter of fact, it DOES suck. #yesitdoes. But depression is not changing that fact. Instead, get together with all the other single ladies and pop a bottle. Do some chardonnay, or ciroc, or even some malibu (my roommates personal favourite). Cheer to some Jameson.. Or like i told someone, if you go to geneva, buy a go green cup and drink some lemonade...haha.. Dont sit around remembering lost love or sulking over being lovelorn. Be happy, smile, grab some dinner with the ladies, and have a night out celebrating being single. From experience, it rocks.
    If you're a man without a woman, i'm not sure getting all emotional would do it for you. Just think on the positive side. it saves you some cash for gas or something. maybe a new shaving kit, or a manicure set. I LOVE men with clean and nicely manicured nails. Thanx to my dad. :-)
   Oh, and before i forget, to all those who refer to valentines day as single awareness day, you're definitely on a long thing. Save your single awareness day for a day other than February 14th. That day, is a day to celebrate love!

Thats all about being single and loving it..even on valentines day... as i do it.


Taylor Swift-Mine~~~

Oh, ohOh, oh
You were in college, working part time, waiting tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin’
Wonderin’ why we bother with love, if it never lasts

I say, can you believe it?
As we’re lyin’ on the couch
The moment I can see it,
Yes, yes, I can see it now

Do you remember we were sittin’ there by the water
You put your arm around me, for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine

Flash forward and we’re taking on the world together
And there’s a drawer of my things at your place
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded
You say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes

But we’ve got bills to pay
We’ve got nothing figured out
When it was hard to take
Yes, yes, this is what I thought about

Do you remember we were sittin’ there by the water
You put your arm around me, for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine

Do you remember all the city lights on the water
You saw me start to believe, for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine

Oh, oh
And I remember that fight, 2:30am
You said everything was slippin’ right out of our hands
I ran out cryin’ and you followed me out into the street

Brace myself for the goodbye, cause that’s all I’ve ever know
And you took me by surprise
You said I’ll never leave you alone
You said
I remember how we felt sittin’ by the water
And every time I look at you, it’s like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter
She is best thing that’s ever been mine

Hold on, you’ll make it last
Hold on, never turn back

You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine

(Hold on) do you believe it?
(Hold on) We’re gonna make it now
(Hold on) I can see it
(Yeah, yeah) I can see it now

Get Inspired

Positive affirmation for the day: Today I will look honestly at what is real without denial and judgment. I accept my reality without struggle and this gives me all the energy I need to deal with what needs to be done.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Love ni wat parents ak,someone special n my fmily n frenzz!!!
love u all...

Get Inspired

Positive affirmation for the day: I am accepting myself just as I am. I am not striving to be perfect today. I only want to grow, to change, to become more and more open to everything life presents me.