Friday, March 11, 2011

Akhirnye berakhir suda...

Yey...exam da end ni juz up1 bru...skunk waktu utk mnanti yg xbes coz tkot.npe la waktu f3 byk sgt decision na wat???pning kpale ble pk.why?why?why?huhu.tension.walopn,bwu je abes up1 xley enjoy scgt cm da abes important thing yg aq kne ubh, adlh stop brhalusinasi.Asl la aq asyik nmpk klon org len?walopn,xsme.huh...need to stop this.other important thing,Sah2 waktu cuti ni waktu aq akn full dgn keje folio yg blambak-lambak.ikotkn ati mlas na uh maklumat da xpyah ssah na cri coz rmai yg mmbntu,thx ye...uhuhu,cian at bdak klas 3s oral bi,sume kne wat xnk wat!!!malu waktu latihan ok je wat,xkucar dpan ckg len plak jdnye...skrip pn ad yg lari,nseb baek ckg xtaw skrip sbenar, mmng fun la.glak ktawe ngan kengkwn mmng bes.gonna be 1 of the best,ap yg fun psal oral,watak laki dlakonkan oleh pompuan.waktu praktis siap gne dahan pokok jd pdang(tp dpan ckg xwat cm uh coz malu)yg jd main character lak,siap wat cm real...(haha,poyo jerp)kalo x kmi na wat gempak pnyer,las2 xjd.(frust btol)xpe3,bak kate org-there's always a second chance 4 everything(chewah...xley blah plak aq ni)4 the second time chance,aq na wat yg tbaek!!!The best pnyer,chaiyok.chaiyok.chaiyok xkn biar an kotak ktawe aq bbnyi,waktu tnga oral.hihi.(tlbey kafein plak) ad 1 bad habit yg xtaw cne na ubah...n habitnye ialah ske ttdo.huhu,cian at akif.sowi yerh,org bkan sngaje na ttdo.huhu.jgn mara ye,nnti cpat tua!hihi...sowi3!!!

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