Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.
~John Lennon
I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
~Roy Croft
A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.
~Woodrow Wyatt
First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.
~George Bernard Shaw
Love is the best medicine, and there is more than enough to go around once you open your heart.
~Julie Marie
If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.
One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.
~Oscar Wilde
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.
True Love burns the brightest, But the brightest flames leave the deepest scars.
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
~Mother Teresa
This is about "love" in general and can apply to loving a fellow human as well as loving someone in a romantic way.
All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.
~Leo Tolstoy
The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned.
~ William Somerset Maugham
Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage.
~Ambrose Bierce
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Certain people are not meant to fit in your life inspirational quote
Certain people are not meant to fit in your life inspirational quote

See many other inspirational quotes here
See many other inspirational quotes here
Good things come to people who don't give up inspirational quote
Good things come to people who don't give up inspirational quote

See many other inspirational quotes here
See many other inspirational quotes here
Monday, January 28, 2013
Your choices are your responsibility inspirational quote
Your choices are your responsibility inspirational quote

See many other inspirational quotes here
See many other inspirational quotes here
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The silence of God
Have you ever wondered why God is with us in the beginning, we walk with Him and feel His presence, but eventually we go in a period of drought, whereby our prayers are like crops with no rain. They don't seem to yield any results. Our seeking of Him continues, yet we seem to not be able to find Him. No matter our call, He is silent. He seems distant. We feel we are alone again in the battles of this life. But that's far from the truth.
I'm sure you have wondered why silence. After all, now that we are walking in His path we need His constant guidance. We need the comfort and reassurance that we are walking in His path. This is the time we really need Him. But that's not true.
Your search of Him gave you lots of knowledge. It made you strong and tough. It allowed you to understand God and ultimately find Him. Now that you have found Him, He will allow you to walk a period of time without Him so you can understand Him more. This is a period of time to build your character and understand your need of God.
It may be counter intuitive to think that God's silence is good for us. After all, why wouldn't I want the guidance of the ultimate master. But the answer lies deep inside our soul.
Think of silence as a period of personal development. It is a time of testing by God. This is the time to see our true character. Your striving was for you to find the truth; to find God, now God is wanting to know how long you are willing to strive for Him. This is a period where you will explore the darkest and deepest places of your soul. You will struggle and search for answers until you understand that He is always present. Know that silence is trust from God that we will succeed on the task at hand. It is through silence that we learn valuable life lessons and position ourselves for greatness that is destined for us.
His silence is really His gift to you. His silence prepares you for better and greater things to come. His silence is His way of building you character. You will ultimately understand the meaning of His silence when you mature in faith.
Written by: F.D
I'm sure you have wondered why silence. After all, now that we are walking in His path we need His constant guidance. We need the comfort and reassurance that we are walking in His path. This is the time we really need Him. But that's not true.
Your search of Him gave you lots of knowledge. It made you strong and tough. It allowed you to understand God and ultimately find Him. Now that you have found Him, He will allow you to walk a period of time without Him so you can understand Him more. This is a period of time to build your character and understand your need of God.
It may be counter intuitive to think that God's silence is good for us. After all, why wouldn't I want the guidance of the ultimate master. But the answer lies deep inside our soul.
Think of silence as a period of personal development. It is a time of testing by God. This is the time to see our true character. Your striving was for you to find the truth; to find God, now God is wanting to know how long you are willing to strive for Him. This is a period where you will explore the darkest and deepest places of your soul. You will struggle and search for answers until you understand that He is always present. Know that silence is trust from God that we will succeed on the task at hand. It is through silence that we learn valuable life lessons and position ourselves for greatness that is destined for us.
His silence is really His gift to you. His silence prepares you for better and greater things to come. His silence is His way of building you character. You will ultimately understand the meaning of His silence when you mature in faith.
Written by: F.D
Saturday, January 26, 2013
In every hardship there is a greater blessing
Thank those who abandoned you, for if it wasn't the loneliness you felt, you would not have returned to Allah in search of comfort and rescue. It was them who taught you that Allah is our only source of peace and comfort. Those people where there destined to steer you towards Allah. Be grateful you had the opportunity to seek Allah in the midst of confusion and loss. You lost human potential but gained divine presence. What a blessing it was!
Reliance on Allah
”Woe to you! You run to one who would shut his door in your face, display his poverty to you and conceal his riches. And you leave the One who opens His door to you in the middle of the night and the middle of the day, who displays His richness and proclaims, ‘Invoke Me and I will respond.’”
— Wahb ibn Munabbih.
Good friends are there for you
They were my friends but they disappeared when I needed them. They left me when all my hopes were in them. They seen my struggles yet joked at my condition. Now they wonder why I'm not the same; they wonder why we no longer have the same relationship. They will never be my true friends. They are lost in the pursuit of this world. They compete, devote and strive for an hourglass whose value is diminishing and coming to an end. People are objects to them, and I was once them. Now I have Allah, my everything who never fails me. I have my eternal friend who loves me unconditionally. I am no longer them. My heart has received guidance. I love Allah's creation but I love Allah more.
I was lost until Allah guided me. I have been given knowledge of true life. Surely its not of this world. I no longer need the world. It has nothing to offer me but disappointments. My eyes have opened, my heart has cracked wide open, my ears are in tune to the true path. I now know that people are selfish. Its all about them. The true people whose hearts have been enlightened are about others. Those are the friends I seek and need, and Allah is above All. May Allah send in our lives true friends who will be with us in good and bad times, and who will be our guide to paradise. Ameen!
Allah constantly guides us
Every time I stray, I remember that Allah's mercy is greater than His wrath. I also know that Allah guides us always especially when we start deviating from the straight path. I am very thankful for the constant blessings and reminders of the almighty. May He keep us on the straight path when we stray and may he forgive us when we err.
The Qur'ân and Sunnah speak frequently and emphatically about the fact that a worshipper who repents and asks forgiveness for his sins will be forgiven and will not be asked about those sins again. In fact, Allah tells us that those sins will be exchanged for good deeds. Allah says: "Except those who repent and believe and work righteous deeds, for them Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Sûrah al-Furqân: 70]
So when you err repent to Allah. Know that if you are sincere in your repentance, Allah will surely forgive you. Surely, Allah knows best our condition and He is always just.
The Qur'ân and Sunnah speak frequently and emphatically about the fact that a worshipper who repents and asks forgiveness for his sins will be forgiven and will not be asked about those sins again. In fact, Allah tells us that those sins will be exchanged for good deeds. Allah says: "Except those who repent and believe and work righteous deeds, for them Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Sûrah al-Furqân: 70]
So when you err repent to Allah. Know that if you are sincere in your repentance, Allah will surely forgive you. Surely, Allah knows best our condition and He is always just.
Silence is the answer
Allah in His silence allows us to grow for the better things to come. Don't be in despair. He has heard your prayers. He is not going to do your walk, He will let you walk so you are better prepared to run when the calling comes. Trust His silence; Its His way of blessing you!
Face each difficulty as an opportunity to greatness
Treat each difficulty and hardship as a calling from your lord to purify your soul and increase your ranks in the hereafter. The way you face and see each trial is half the battle. Realize that you cannot flee from trials, but you can pass all trials successfully with Allah's help. Know that each trial is an opportunity to get closer to Allah, for nothing in this world is more valuable than a moment spent in contemplation and worship of Allah. Oh Allah, give me eyes to see the benefits of each hardship, give me ears to only hear your messages in them, give me a heart to find contentment in your decree, and give me wisdom to turn hardships into blessings.
If we face each hardship with the realization that one, we cannot escape what has been destined for us, and two, that any hardship no matter how painful it may be, it is to better us for the hereafter, and that it was decreed by Allah because he loves us. If we keep those thoughts in the forefront of our head, we have won the battle inshAllah!
Paradise is an uphill climb
The depth of the ocean is as deep as you are willing to explore it, similarly, paradise is as close to you, as you are willing to strive for it!
- F.D
- F.D
There is no privacy between you and God
“There is no privacy between you and Allah. From above the seven heavens, He knows what is in your heart, before it is in your heart.” — Yahya Adel Ibrahim
So if you want a private moment, know that Allah sees and hears all things. Even if you commit a secret sin, He knows it, and even if you make a prayer in a stranded island─in the darkest moments, He sees you. He knows our inner thoughts, but does not judge us until we act, however He rewards us for our good intentions, even if we fail to succeed! Truly Allah is most-gracious, most-merciful!
Your success is the result of God's will
All your blessings and success are the result of Allah's will. Your hard work is the fruit of Allah's guidance. Your aspirations are the result of his mercy. All that you are is because of Allah. Don't feed your ego, and don't corrupt your soul, because all that you have can be taken away.
Always remain thankful and offer your worship to Allah alone. And remember to help those in need, because you have been given without merit. It is obligatory upon each of us that we give to the poor. May Allah remind us when we become arrogant and stray from the right path by testing us with trials and hardships. Ameen inshAllah!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Little space is all it needs
When you feel someone close to you slipping away,
at some point you have to let go...
You have to step aside so they can make their own decisions.
If you need to pick up the pieces afterwards, be there to pick them up.
But if everything turns out okay, be happy and accept it.
Sometimes the hardest thing is knowing how to let a friendship drift,
when a little space is all it needs
Just because..
Just because i don't scream my feelings,
Doesn't mean i have none.
Just because i seem indestructible,
Doesn't mean I'm not weak.
Just because i don't cry in front of you,
Doesn't mean I'm heartless.
Just because you think you know me,
Doesn't mean you actually do.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Killua Zaoldyeck dalam anime "Hunter x Hunter"
Wah udah lama yah ga posting blog ckckckck oke kali ini gue akan ngebahas Killua. yup dia merupakan seorang tokoh anime yang ada di Hunter x hunter anime yang masuk indonesia sekitar tahun 2001 ini merupakan anime yang cukup diminati oleh kalangan masyarakat khususnya anak anak. nah tadi tuh gue abis liat videonya killua dan ternyata kangen banget sama dia T.T dulu gue tuh suka dan ngefans banget sama killua. nama lengkapnya Killua zaoldyeck dia adalah anak ketiga dari pasangan silva dan kykio zaoldyeck. killua punya kakak pertama namanya illumi zaoldyeck. terus kakak keduanya bernama milluki. nah si milluki ini merupakan hacker yang sangat handal. nah killua punya adik namanya kalluto. tapi sebenarnya killua punya satu adik lagi yang bernama alluka dan punya nama lain nanika. kalo diperhatiin supaya bisa bedain mana kakak mana adik gini nih illumillukilluallukalluto hehehe bener kan? :D
Killua dianggap sebagai pewaris keluarga zaoldyeck. keluarga zaoldyeck merupakan keluarga pembunuh yang sangat legendaris dan sangat ditakuti oleh golongan golongan elite. Rumah keluarga zaoldyeck itu terletak di sebuah gunung yang sudah tidak aktif lagi. di keluarga nya killua hanya diajarkan tentang bagaimana cara membunuh. itu tuh yang buat gue sedih dia :(
Killua zaoldyeck muak dan bosan dengan pekerjaannya sebagai pembunuh bayaran ia pun kabur dari rumah dan mengikuti ujian hunter. di ujian itu killua bertemu dengan Gon freecs. pemeran utama dari anime hunter x hunter ini menjadi teman pertama killua. lalu setelah itu killua pun berteman dengan kurapika dan leorio. Killua banyak belajar dari seorang gon yang sangat menghargai pertemanan dan kehidupan. karena gon juga kilua merasa hidup lebih hidup dari sebelumnya.
Killua sendiri akhirnya tidak lolos dalam ujian hunter karena ulah dari kakaknya. karena kakaknya lah killua dikendalikan dan akhirnya membunuh lawan yang akan menjadi lawan di pertarungan final dan akhirnya leorio pun lulus tanpa bertanding. killua pun pulang dengan penuh darah. gon beserta kawan kawannya pun segera menuju gunung kururu tempat dimana killua tinggal beserta keluarga zaoldyeck
Tapi sebelum menemui killua gon kurapika dan leorio harus melewati gerbang penguji. mereka pun berlatih dan berhasil membuka pintu penguji tersebut. akhirnya gon dan teman temannya bertemu dengan killua. mereka pun pergi meninggalkan gunung kururu. tapi sayang nya mereka harus berpisah karena kurapika harus pergi dan berlatih untuk mempersiapkan dirinya melawan genei ryodan sementara itu leorio pergi untuk belajar menjadi dokter. dan mereka pun berjanji mereka akan bertemu lagi di menara yorkshin.
sementara itu gon dan killua bingung harus kemana, akhirnya killua mnyarankan gon untuk berlatih d menara trix. selain dapat berlatih disana juga mereka dapat uang. killua pernah ke menara itu, dan dia sudah sampai dilantai 200. pada akhirnya gon dan killua pun sampai di lantai 200 ternyata dilantai itu telah menunggu hisoka. dan dia mpun menggunakan nen untuk memperingatkan gon dan killua.
gon dan killua pun akhirnya menguasai nen. dan memenangkan beberapa pertarungan di menara trix tersebut. ternyata untuk menguasai nen itulah ujian final sebenarnya dari ujian hunter. bisa disebut ujian rahasia hunter. Killua sendiri memiliki tipe nen henka.
sampai saat ini saya hanya tau bahwa killua dan gon sedang bermain dalam game berbahay buatan ayah gon dan 10 orang lainnya, nama gae tersebut adalah Greed Island.
sekiaaaaannnnnnnnnnn pemirsa semoga bisa mneghibur ya cerita dari gueeee
gon dan killua pun akhirnya menguasai nen. dan memenangkan beberapa pertarungan di menara trix tersebut. ternyata untuk menguasai nen itulah ujian final sebenarnya dari ujian hunter. bisa disebut ujian rahasia hunter. Killua sendiri memiliki tipe nen henka.
sampai saat ini saya hanya tau bahwa killua dan gon sedang bermain dalam game berbahay buatan ayah gon dan 10 orang lainnya, nama gae tersebut adalah Greed Island.
sekiaaaaannnnnnnnnnn pemirsa semoga bisa mneghibur ya cerita dari gueeee
Valentine's Date Ideas for 2013
Whether you want to go for the traditional dinner and movie date or do something unique, we have compiled the best things to do this Valentine's season without hurting your wallet. From piso to one hundred pesos, our INEXPENSIVE but MEMORABLE Valentine's date ideas will surely delight you LOVERS and even SINGLES out there. You will still have spare cash to go to more places and do more activities this season of the hearts. ♥♥♥
Dine at Chili's - get an appetizer for P1 If you want to celebrate Valentine's early then we suggest you dine at the posh Chili’s resto in any of its branches and enjoy its PISO promo. For every P750 purchase, you can avail of any of their appetizers for just P1, yes just PISO! You can avail of it at any Chili's branch until February 10, the weekend before Valentine's day. To get your piso appetizer, visit this link to sign up: or visit Chili's Official Facebook Page | |
Manila Bay Cruise with dinner and serenade For just P 550 per person, you will enjoy a romantic one hour and 15 minutes cruise with set dinner and live acoustic band aboard M/V Spirit of Manila. Enjoy the sunset by the Manila Bay, the posh cruise ferry and the romantic ambience and serenade of the live band. Its just like in the movies, and the price is sooo worth it! Daily cruise starts from 4:30pm - 9:15pm. To purchase, visit: | |
30% to 50% OFF on select MOVIES at SM Cinemas Every Monday to Thursday from 10am to 2pm, you can watch select movies at SM Cinemas for 30-50% off. The promo period is from January 21 to April 18. Yes, that includes Valentine's day February 14 (Thursday)! Promo is valid on SM Cinema Mall of Asia, North EDSA, Megamall, Sta Mesa, Manila, San Lazaro, Marikina, Pampanga, Fairview, Southmall, Bacoor, Cebu, Iloilo, Lanang, Clark and Davao and for more participating branches click here. | |
Bear and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet Tired of the usual and boring boxed chocolates? For just P500, you can send your loved one this cute cuddly I love You bear and a UNIQUE, artfully crafted Ferrero Rocher chocolates (everyone's favorite chocolate!) bouquet. For details click here. | |
Ilocos Hotel Getaway for 2 persons + free breakfast for 2 If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city but you still want to be pampered at a LUXURY hotel, then we suggest you have an overnight escape for 2 in Ilocos Sur for a Deluxe Room at the Ciudad Fernandina Hotel. For only P2,950 nett (P4,295 nett originally, you SAVE a LOT!!) price, you will have access to the hotel's amenities plus the price is inclusive of set breakfast for 2. For details, click here. | |
Fireworks AND Buffet Want to impress your date? What could be more unique, romantic (and FUN) than watching fireworks (w/ music of course!) in the nighttime sky while you dine buffet style. For just P1,119 (instead of P1,500) you get 1 Patron Ticket PLUS Dinner Buffet to the 4th International Pyromusical Competition at the SM Mall of Asia! Show dates start from February 16 to March 23, 2013. To avail of the promo click here. Hurry though because a LOT of people are availing of the promo! | |
Valentine's Concert The concert scene is jampacked this Valentine's season. Foreign and local acts will be serenading couples this Valentine's. Jessica Sanchez, Paramore and other foreign acts will sing and celebrate Valentine's with all of us in Manila. Local artists such as Regine Velasquez, Ogie Alcasid, Martin Nievera and Pops Fernandez (Foursome) will also hold their concerts. For details, venue and price of various concerts and the dates, visit: | |
UP Fair No date this Valentine's? Don't fret! Enjoy the company of COOL people, visit numerous booths and rock out to the best bands and music at the UP Fair in Diliman QC. Best of all, the ticket price is just P100 ! The event will be held from February 12-16, 2013. For information, visit: or contact Sol Vicencio at 09177616576 or buy tickets at Ticketworld branches. | |
Do you have any more inexpensive date ideas? Do you know of any more events and promos this Valentine's season? Do share them in the comments. I always love hearing from you guys!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
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