My roommate suggested that I blog about tampons. Bad idea. So, I'mma roll with something else instead.
I've drawn my own conclusions.
It's thanksgiving season. A lot of good food and turkey. Good time with family and friends, and if you're a college student like me, it's that time of the semester where you're just like "i'll take anything but school right now". I get the feeling. Trust me. There are some people or things that you do not want to have to see everyday, some people or things that just make you mad with their presence, and a whole bunch of home work that you do not want to do. yes, all of that. So you need somewhere to go just to get away from stuff, and have a little break. You know, get away from craziness.
Tell me though. Do you actually ever get away from craziness? You go home to a grand father who's terminal, or parents seeking a divorce. Someone's not going to be coming for thanksgiving dinner because there's some conflict and tension somewhere in the family.Maybe thanksgiving for you isn't even making turkey and stuffing, but going to visit grandma at the elderly home, and playing cards with her when she barely remembers who you are. Maybe it's going to visit your sibling in jail with tears in your eyes wishing they were never there in the first place. Maybe it's waking up to an ordinary day where everyone is just a member of a family and not a family. No, you didn't just get away from craziness. You got to it.

You know how people say life is short? Forget about all those beautiful quotes. Life is as long as it cud ever get, and it comes with troubles everyday. You constantly have to deal with stuff that you never thought you'd have to deal with, and you have to make adjustments everyday to accommodate unexpected situations and circumstances. You have to be in thinking mode all the time to ensure that you're making the right decisions and doing the right things. As overwhelming as life gets sometimes, you have to be able to withstand a lot of stuff, and just. keep. fighting.
My drawn conclusion? We never get away from craziness. There is NO safe zone.
Agree or disagree. Do as you please. But I'll tell you one thing. The more you try to get away from craziness, the more craziness you get; and remember, the more craziness you get, the less you have to be thankful for. It's just that simple. Life is long. and the only way you can spend it fruitfully and thankfully, is learning to deal with craziness - situations or people. Once again, it's easier said than done. But you only start to believe in your ability to deal with shit, when you tell yourself that you can. Running away from a situation never makes it better. Turning your back to a wave approaching the bank doesn't make it stop coming. Shutting your eyes in the sunlight doesn't make the sun yet. You need to be able to deal with somethings and then find space to move on. You should be concerned about what direction you're moving in, and not where you're standing, because the moment you begin to think that you stand firm, you'll begin to fall.

I know a little bit of craziness in my life, and I've just decided to deal with it, and move on. I've told myself that no matter what, I'm going to be happy and continue to be the person that God wants me to be. Craziness won't change that. Therefore, I'm very thankful. To God for the opportunity to live life and express myself. I'm thankful for the amazing family that God has given me to mold me through their loving kindness, and to continually build me into the person that God has destined me to be. I'm thankful for my friends, and the amazing support system that he has provided me with. Because I try to face the craziness, I'm able to let go of all of it, and find something to be thankful for this season.
You may be going through craziness - silly childish stuff, or real life important stuff. There is no safe zone, but you can definitely find one in Jesus when you begin to realize that your thankfulness beats your craziness to the ground. Find something this season to be thankful for.
That's the safe zone... as i do it.
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